COUNCIL bosses have hit back after claims were made that the bill for their bid to flatten Clune Park could top £1m.

The Tele reported this week how two Municipal Buildings insiders had said the potential cost could run into seven figures.

But officials say that these comments are simply the 'opinions' of 'unnamed sources'.

They have also vowed to continue efforts to send in the bulldozers, despite suffering two defeats in court over the case, after landlords at the estate challenged the demolition orders.

The council said: "Unlike the impression presented by the 'sources', Inverclyde Council is not in the business of throwing good money after bad.

"There is no precedent for this level of legal action and the council is not keen on pursuing a course of continued legal action, such as a judicial review, which could, beyond the financial implications, put another two years onto this situation at Clune Park.

"All councils have a legal duty to deal with properties within their area which are below the tolerable standard – and all properties in Clune Park are below the tolerable standard for housing in Scotland."

The local authority insists the 'only course of action is demolition and a wholescale regeneration of the area' because it would be 'too costly' to carry out repairs and 'the condition and age of the buildings means this is not an option'.

A spokesman added: "Clune Park, in its current state, is a festering wound in Inverclyde.

"Residents and landlords should be crystal clear – Inverclyde Council will not be walking away from Clune Park."

The statement added: "Inverclyde Council will pursue all avenues to secure the long term regeneration of Clune Park.

"This can include continued legal action, if required.

"There is no moratorium or delay on any potential legal action whatsoever by the council."

The council says it has written to all proprietors letting them know that their property continues to be below the tolerable standard and 'will be in further communications' with them.

The full statement is available on the council's Facebook page.