Greenock Telegraph - Memorials

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Published on 07/08/2024

LAWSON Isabel, David, Sharon and Carol would like to express their heartfelt appreciation to family, friends, neighbours and those who attended the Church and Crematorium, for your sympathy, kind messages, phone calls, cards and flowers received in our time of grief. We would especially like to thank Deaconess Greta Gray of Bardrainey Church who said a wonderful heartfelt Service, honouring William's life and for her invaluable support and spiritual comfort, to Inverclyde Funeral Directors for their professional and caring arrangements and to the 68 Club for providing catering and refreshments. We are grateful to the Lodge Kilwinning 68 and Port Glasgow Bowling Club for their compassionship to William over the years. A special thank you to all staff at Ward 4, Orchard View who looked after William in his final months. God Bless you all.


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