KIND schoolkids have given up their favourite play-time treats to donate them to the Inverclyde Foodbank.

Youngsters from St Patrick's and King's Oak primary schools joined forces with Tesco to take part in a food swap.

Tesco's community champion Lorella Sutherland encouraged them to hand over lots of goodies in a bid to raise awareness of the foodbank, which feeds hundreds of local families.

As a reward for their kindness, the youngsters were handed fresh fruit from the Greenock store.

Organiser Lorella said: "It was lovely to see the children give up their favourite sweets.

"St Patrick's and King's Oak have been very supportive."

Now Inverclyde Foodbank has baskets full of sweets and treats to brighten up food parcels going home to families in need.

St Patrick's P5 pupils Charlie Deveney and Faye Davidson visited the foodbank themselves recently to see for themselves where the donations go.

Faye said: "I was happy to give up my packet of crisps.

"It's good to know that someone else will get them."

Charlie told the Tele :"I handed in my favourite sweets that I got for Halloween.

"I already had plenty to eat."

St Patrick's Primary's Geraldine Ogilby says it is important for the children to learn more about charities such as the foodbank.

She added: "We always organise a collection as well at this time of the year.

"The food swap is a great idea and we work closely with Lorella and Tesco."

The Tele recently reported a 160 per cent increase in demand at the foodbank.

As a result they rely more and more on support in the community and have close links with local schools and businesses like Tesco.

The foodbank's Fraser Donaldson said: "We get great support from Tesco.

"It is fantastic to see all the treats donated and they will be much appreciated."