CONCERNS have been raised about parking problems in a 'nightmare' part of Greenock town centre.

Local activist Alasdair Higgins is appealing for help to identify the owners of the road space at George Square in a bid to end long-running misery for people who live there.

There are currently no parking restrictions in place so cars are being left there for long periods - often all day - meaning residents and business owners cannot get a space.

Mr Higgins, who is vice-chair of the Inverclyde Liberal Democrats, said: "A local resident contacted me because I have connections within the council and asked if I would look into it. "Ardgowan Estate said it's nothing to do with them and clearly the council haven't adopted the road, even though it's been lined off.

"There's nothing in residents' title deeds either to suggest who owns the land.

"The situation here has been going on for years.

"It's ridiculous."

Mr Higgins believes the area should be included in the council's town centre parking scheme, which includes a mix of paid-for car parks and disc zones.

He believes this would allow local authority wardens to keep an eye on the area and resolve the parking and congestion issues but the plot is privately-owned.

Mr Higgins said: "A disc zone would stop people parking here all day.

"B&M and the likes have cameras and signs to say there's a maximum of two hours' parking.

"George Square seems to be the only free place to park in the town centre.

"If this is what it's like during the day, I shudder to think what it's like at night and at weekends."

Local authority officials have vowed to give it another go with the owners to try and find an amicable solution.

An Inverclyde Council spokesperson said: "The car park at George Square is privately-owned. "We did approach the owners in 2013 with a view to putting restrictions in place but the owners turned down our request. "This meant that we couldn't include it in the off-street parking restrictions. "We will approach them again to see if the situation has changed."