A KIND Greenock woman is making sure Inverclyde's pooches still get out for a stroll during the coronavirus lockdown.

Rhona Stewart is offering a free dog walking service to elderly people and those who are self isolating.

Retired theatre sister Rhona has 33 years experience of infection control and personal protective equipment and will ensure that there is no contact on the walks.

The canine carer is also happy to stop off for essential shopping for self-isolating owners.

Rhona, 56, said: "I have a lifelong passion for and experience with dogs and would like to offer help within the community during these uncertain times.

"Given the rules around shielding of the elderly and for people with existing medical conditions, along with self-isolation guidelines, I believe there's a real need for this service.

"I am also happy to drop off essential supplies for people when I'm bringing their pet home.

"It makes sense to me that the two activities could work together at the same time for anyone who needs that kind of support."

Rhona, who is originally from Manor Crescent in Gourock, has been providing the service to friends who are key workers so that they can attend work.

She will use gloves and hand sanitiser, and ensure there is no human contact on the walk with a no contact handover, zero canine contact while out on the walk, and return of the pet outside the door.

Rhona will also adhere to the RSPCA's guidelines on avoiding coming into contact with other dog walkers.

Each dog will receive a pack containing poo bags, bacterial wipes, hand sanitizer, disposable tissues and a waste bag for consumables, and Rhona will also sanitise the collar, lead and halter on return.

Rhona added: "There's a need for this kind of help to maintain and promote healthcare within the community.

"I feel people will be reassured in the knowledge that every effort shall be taken to ensure their dog is walked safely."

To get in touch with Rhona send her a WhatsApp message via 07462110181 or email rhonastewart1d@gmail.com