FAMILY breakdowns are being blamed for a rise in homelessness among young people.

Since the start of the pandemic Inverclyde Council has had to find temporary homes for those presenting as homeless.

With limitations on the use of the Inverclyde Centre due to public health restrictions, they have had to increase the number of temporary flats as well as relying more on spaces in bed and breakfast accommodation.

But despite this the numbers in need continue to rise - and other housing measures are being looked at.

In a new report the local authority's director of environment and regeneration, Scott Allan, said: "The Covid-19 pandemic has fundamentally changed the homelessness picture within Inverclyde, with an increase in homelessness presentations due to people no longer being able to remain in their previous accommodation for a variety of reasons; in particular with increasing numbers of young people presenting as homeless through family breakdown."

Officials worked with registered social landlords to source an additional 40 flats at the start of the coronavirus crisis, with a total of 65 now in operation, up from 25 beforehand.

The council is now conducting an audit of temporary accommodation housing needs by size, area and type of household, to help determine additional affordable rented supply requirements.

They are looking at buying up properties currently on the market through an acquisition programme.

Bosses will also hold discussions with owners of currently-empty homes and aim to increase access to them by working 'collaboratively' with private landlords and leasing private rented tenancies.