CHARITY bosses have hit out after an £8,000 art truck was vandalised by mindless yobs.

Community arts professional Karen Orr says she has been left 'disheartened' by the attack as the mobile classroom is there to benefit the community.

Vandals broke into the vehicle while it was parked in Greenock's east end by smashing a side window and they went on the rampage inside, stabbing blinds and setting fire on the floor.

Karen said: "It's disappointing as this is a community asset.

"The fire was very near the engine, they could have blown themselves up.

"I am glad no-one was hurt."

The truck was parked in Cartsburn Street as it was going through its MOT at local garage Dunn's.

The vandals also ripped off the frame of another window and smashed a wing mirror.

Karen fears the attack could have far-reaching consequences, as the van is integral to securing cash in a current bid lodged with Creative Scotland.

She said: "This is putting what we do for the community in jeopardy - the van is pivotal to that funding.

"We also use it for the Galoshans Festival - it has quite a few purposes, to take the arts to hard to reach places.

"Some people wouldn't go along to an arts event but if we set this up on their street, they come over and have a look.

"It's a good way to get people involved."

The mobile has also proved ideal during all the Covid restrictions because it enables outdoor classes and it has an awning and can provide hot refreshments.

Karen said: "We are an arts charity, so we are not core-funded and even for insurance purposes this incident will have an impact."

Sergeant Jason Logsdon of Greenock police said the incident had been reported and it's believed the damage took place between 5pm last Monday and 2.30pm on Wednesday, and other vehicles on the street were damaged at the same time.

He said: "Damage was caused to the Iveco Tector which is currently being used by a local charity."

Anyone with information should call 101 quoting KC01140121 or phone Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Meanwhile Karen is now appealing for anyone who could offer a secure indoor space for the vehicle to get in touch.

She can be contacted on 01475 649359 or 07811264042.