An Inverclyde group that supports healthy lifestyle choices has received 'Dementia Friendly' walking accreditation.

The Inverclyde Bothy - that encourages people to walk or cycle more - were given the accolade by walking charity Paths for All.

To make their walk programme more inclusive, Health Walk Coordinator Jenni Murray liased with staff at Alzheimer's Scotland Greenock Resource Centre to explore training options and review their existing walking routes.

Jenni Murray, Health Walk Co-ordinator with The Inverclyde Bothy, said: "The Inverclyde Bothy has benefited greatly from being involved in the Paths for All Dementia Friendly accreditation process.

"While Health Walks are inclusive and open to all, having undertaken this development process and the additional dementia focussed training, will ensure that we are better placed to meet the needs of those living with dementia.

"As we now move out of lockdown and re-start our walks, we will continue to engage with local organisations who support those living with dementia with the aim of ensuring that more local people are made aware of the walks, the health and wellbeing benefits they bring, and will choose to get involved."