COMMUNITY campaigners fear that rubbish dumped at a popular scenic spot in Greenock could kill off local wildlife.

People living near Murdieston Dam have spotted a pair of swans and their four cygnets swimming around in bags of litter strewn across the water at Cowdenknowes.

Councillor Tommy McVey has been working closely with Cowdenknows Residents' Association on plans to improve the area.

He helped secure a £25,000 funding package from Inverclyde Council to transform both Murdieston and Thom Street dams.

The works will include major ground and tree works, the upgrading of paths, installation of new seats and the restoration of the water fountain.

Councillor McVey says it's disheartening to see that, despite all the planned improvements in the area, people are continuing to dump their waste in the water.

He said: "It's so disappointing to see this.

"I just wish people would realise that when they drop litter it not only makes the place look untidy but it has an impact on the wildlife as well.

"There will be four new dog waste and litter bins situated around the dams as part of the environmental improvement works but with the best will in the world that will not solve the problem on its own.

"People have to take responsibility for their actions and not drop litter in the first place."

Rubbish found in the dam recently included bags full of grass cuttings and polystyrene as well as wheels from bikes.

To go some way towards tackling the problem, members of Cowdenknowes Residents' Association have organised a litter pick for Sunday July 18.

Local resident Jan Spence, who is a member of the association, took a photo of the swan family swimming around in litter.

She said: "It's such a sad picture.

"We want to get the whole community involved in helping out with the litter-pick and families are welcome to come along.

"We're hoping to run the litter picks regularly to help our wildlife and our environment."

Clean-up volunteers will meet at the sluice at Wallace Street for the event, which will run from 12.30pm until 2.30pm.

Litter pickers and bags will be provided by Inverclyde Council but people can also bring their own equipment.

To get involved in the litter pick, contact Cowdenknows Residents Association through the Facebook page.


WATER WASTE Councillor Tommy McVey, Cowdenknowes Residents' Association treasurer Norman McNeil, chair Tommy Holten, and Jan Spence.