OPEN water swimmers have found a new spot to splash thanks to the Royal Gourock Yacht Club.

The swimmers are a recent addition at the historic Gourock club and members are hoping that more locals will join them to take the plunge when the swimming season kicks off in April.

The group started using the yacht club's facilities last year and are looking forward to their first full season affiliated with the club.

When the season begins in April, swimming sessions will be held every Friday at 6pm, with longer swims planned for later in the year.

The swimmers also hold monthly 'skins' swims, where they ditch wetsuits and brave the cold waters of the Clyde in nothing but their swimming costumes.

A typical swim sees participants set off from the yacht club's slip and swim for around a mile in either direction.

The swimmers then return to the clubhouse for a hot shower and a warming bowl of piping hot soup.

While support is available for those new to open water swimming, the group has also previously organised longer swims from Kilcreggan to the yacht club for more experienced swimmers.

Swimmer and club member Archie White told the Tele that the swims offer a 'seal's eye view' of Inverclyde.

He said: "It's something you've got to experience to understand, there's nothing else like it.

"The cold disappears after a few minutes and you really start to enjoy yourself.

"In the pool you can often feel like a hamster in a cage going back and forth all day.

"Open water swimming offers much more freedom.

"Being able to use the club's facilities has been brilliant, before this we were swimming down Ashton Prom.

"But having the clubhouse to go to gives it a social dimension.

"We're looking forward to welcoming in new members this year and anyone who's interested can come along for a trial session."