CONCERN over charges of up to £1,000 per year to park at work under an SNP plan described by opponents as a 'poll tax on wheels' have been allayed in Inverclyde.

Council leader Stephen McCabe has ruled out imposing the Workplace Parking Levy here and branded it a 'tax on working people'.

He says it will not feature in Labour's local government election manifesto.

The Scottish Government is giving councils the power to introduce the levy as part of a blueprint to 'discourage car use' and cut emissions.

But Councillor McCabe says that there is 'little appetite' for it - and the SNP group have told the Tele they would not pursue it either.

Mr McCabe said: "I can confirm that there will be no proposal within Labour's local election manifesto to introduce such a levy.

"We don't believe it is appropriate for Inverclyde.

"We would oppose it if the proposal was brought forward by another party if they took over the administration in May."

Councillor McCabe says that the policy has not been thought-through.

He said: "For many people who come to workplaces either from within Inverclyde or outside, there really isn't any practical alternative to the car.

"Therefore a workplace parking levy would simply be a tax on working people.

"We believe the better way to fund local services is through more progressive taxes at both a national and local level, where those who can afford to pay a bit more do so."

Meanwhile, SNP council group leader Elizabeth Robertson confirmed that she too is opposed to implementing her party's national policy in Inverclyde.

Councillor Robertson said: "It's not something we would be seeking to implement here.

"We feel there are many ways to encourage active travel and more use of public transport that we could and should try in Inverclyde before looking at measures such as workplace parking."