INVERCLYDE'S newly elected independent councillors insisted they are not a political party and will vote according to their consciences — despite all wearing identical black and white rosettes.

Lynne Quinn (Inverclyde West), Drew McKenzie (Inverclyde East Central) and Tommy McVey (Inverclyde South) were all re-elected for second terms in the Municipal Buildings.

Mr McKenzie made it through in the single transferable vote system despite polling considerably less votes — 543 — compared to the 633 ballots supporting outgoing SNP man Jim MacLeod.

Councillor Quinn said: "People struggle with the concept that three people can come together, without a leader, and talk everything out and try to reach a consensus.

"If we listen to other people then we can do what is best for our communities.

"And if we can't reach a consensus then we vote with our conscience, and that's what really works."

Turning to the overall outcome of the election, with Labour on nine seats, the SNP on eight and the Conservatives with two, she hinted that the independents could hold the balance of power.

Cllr Quinn said: "Clearly no-one can take overall control of the council and there will have to be a minority-led administration.

"We are not a party and we are not aligned to any party.

"We make decisions based on what the community tells us to do.

"But clearly, the parties have to talk to the independents.

"Labour has the right to try to form a minority administration, but they will have to talk to us."