A BOOZED-up man shouted and swore at people in Gourock after his drunk-driver girlfriend had stopped their car following an 'incident'.

Scott McFarlane also struggled with passers-by who pulled him to the ground after seeing him arguing with his then partner Beth Munford.

Greenock Sheriff Court heard how he 'took umbrage' to others getting involved in the incident, where she was found to be more than three-times the alcohol limit.

McFarlane pleaded guilty to behaving in a threatening or abusive manner at Cloch Road, near the Western Ferries terminal.

Prosecutor Laura Wilcox said: "Whilst swearing, the accused shouted, 'snitches' and 'you'll get what's coming to you'.

"Parties had been arguing between themselves, and whilst doing so other members of the public who were nearby attempted to intervene.

"At times the accused walked out into the middle of the road and was acting aggressively.

"He began to struggle with one of two of the passers-by.

"Police were called by witnesses in a vehicle nearby who were not involved in the altercation."

McFarlane, of Kishorn Road, Wemyss Bay, committed the offence in October 2020.

Munford, of Binnie Street, Gourock, was banned from the road at a previous calling of the case after pleading guilty to having 71mcg of alcohol in 100ml of breath — which put her at 3.2 times the limit.

McFarlane's lawyer, Derek Buchanan, told the court: "Mr McFarlane was a passenger in the vehicle which was being driven by his former partner.

"They both appeared to be under the influence of alcohol.

"There was an incident whereby the vehicle was damaged and it had come to a halt.

"Mr McFarlane was not thinking particularly clearly or making particularly smart decisions.

"He was taken to the floor during the incident, and this did not help matters.

"His behaviour went well beyond what was reasonable in the circumstances."

Sheriff Seith Ireland fined McFarlane £290.