A BOOK shop boss has come up with a novel idea to give disadvantaged kids a special gift to help them through tough times.

Aileen Jeffrey, owner of the Ginger Cat in Kilmacolm, is raising cash to buy books for kids who don't have the money to purchase their own.

She says inspiration for the initiative came after one of the Ginger Cat's Twitter posts was shared by celebrity and author Richard Osman.

Aileen said: "January was really quiet and I posted asking people to pop in if they fancied a book - it really took off.

"In the midst of all that someone suggested it would be nice if people could give money to the bookshop that could then be gifted to the children that come in to the shop.

"Someone called in and did exactly that, which led to more people calling in to do the same.

"I was just giving books to children that came into the shop, but I was then asked by someone if they could pay monthly.

"I thought it would be a nice opportunity to take things a step further and do something for disadvantaged children."

The kind bookshop owner has now set up a GoFundMe page and has been speaking to local organisations about the possibility of working together.

Buoyed by a generous donation of £500 from Alliance Ambulance Service, Aileen's fundraiser has now reached over £700.

She hopes that locals can help her get the total up to £2,000.

Aileen added: "It would be nice to have the children coming into the shop regularly.

"The aim is to give them their own books to keep, rather than having the books belong to an organisation.

"It gives them something to call their own.

"If it ends up being children from somewhere like a care home then this'll mean they have something they can take with them wherever they go.

"There's a big drive to encourage reading for pleasure at the moment, and part of that is not just to do with literacy but with wellbeing.

"Books can and do change lives.

"If people have money to spare and want to support this then I would be very grateful."

Those wishing to donate to The Ginger Cat's fundraiser can do so online at visit https://bit.ly/3HYxvxR

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