COUNCILLORS have this week agreed to spend more than £3.5 million of UK Government cash on a range of projects aimed at developing Inverclyde and its people.

Elected members unanimously approved the funding for 23 initiatives at a meeting of Inverclyde Council's environment and regeneration committee on Monday.

The money comes from Westminster's Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF) - a 'central pillar' to the Levelling Up agenda and part of a £2.6 billion pot for local investment throughout the UK.

More than £1m of Inverclyde's share will be allocated to a number of employability schemes to help residents, particularly those in hard to reach areas and who are currently out of work, to help equip them with skills for employment, training or further or higher education.

Just under £750k has been earmarked for a range of schemes supporting local businesses covering everything from budgeting and growth to developing net zero plans and networking.

READ MORE: Work on Port Glasgow Shipbuilders statue planned as part of £3.5m council spending

Other initiatives in the pipeline include: almost £300k to develop and deliver town centre improvements; £150k to enhance lighting in public parks; and £150k to improve Coronation Park in and around the Shipbuilders of Port Glasgow sculpture.

Six projects worth over £600,000 aimed at developing numeracy skills for people aged 19 and over have also been approved, supported specifically through the Shared Prosperity Fund’s Multiply grants scheme.

Some of the various projects will be delivered wholly or alongside partner organisations, including CVS Inverclyde, Parklea Branching Out and West College Scotland.

Greenock Telegraph: Inverclyde Council leader Stephen McCabeInverclyde Council leader Stephen McCabe (Image: Inverclyde Council)

During a discussion over whether the projects outlined were the best use of the money from the fund, council leader Stephen McCabe told Monday's meeting: "If we were getting £3.6m and we were given complete autonomy over how we spent this money, we might not be spending £3.6m in this way.

"There might be other priorities as a council and as a community that we have but we have got to work within the system and within the funding parameters.

"I am sure there are a lot of worthwhile projects here that will make a difference.

"That is the key, making a difference.

"We have to properly assess these projects and if we find projects aren't working we should have the opportunity to redirect funding to things that are working.

"It is important that you get the best value out of these initiatives."

Greenock Telegraph: Cllr Michael McCormickCllr Michael McCormick (Image: Inverclyde Council)

Councillor Michael McCormick, the local authority’s convener of environment and regeneration, said: “A bold and diverse range of initiatives have been developed across all council services aimed at supporting individuals, businesses and communities throughout Inverclyde to thrive.

“We already provide a great deal of help and support to residents and local businesses through various existing schemes but this money from the UK Prosperity Fund will complement the existing offering and provide even more opportunities.

“Whether it’s skills and education for individuals, practical advice and grants for new and existing small and medium-sized enterprises, or improvements to our town centres and parks, there are benefits here for everyone and I look forward to seeing these initiatives being delivered over the next couple of years.”

The council developed the investment plans alongside its partners in the Glasgow City Region.

A full list of the projects that will be supported by the funding can be found on the council's website here.