Gourock Ladies Invitational PINK Day 2023

A TOTAL of 52 members took to Gourock Golf Course for the annual ladies 'Flag Day' fundraiser. 

The main objective of the day was to raise as much money for the club's chosen charity Breast Cancer Now, whilst attempting to be the last to plant their flag.

The organising team are delighted to report that, on a day where only one downpour threatened play, the magnificent sum of £2,000 was raised for Breast Cancer Now.

The funds were collected from entry fees, fines on and off the course, home baking, guess the weight of the cake, indoor chipping competition, picture frame pics, worry worms, a main raffle, a featured raffle, and other donations.

Greenock Telegraph:

Thanks go to all those who participated in making this a day to remember, the Ladies Committee, helpers (a huge thanks to Alison and Colin Miller in particular) Barbara Baird and Ian Samuel, course manager Hugh Logue and the grounds team, Derek Watters and the pro shop, catering and bar staff, and last but not least the tee-girl sponsors, local businesses, friends, and members for raffle prizes.

Greenock Telegraph:

Prize Winners: Cake weight: Spot on at 4lbs 9oz - Andrew Tweed; Lucky scorecard – Emma McKeegan and Eileen Daly; Newsletter Winner (for identifying the number of solo pink ladies dotted about Ladies Golf Matters Issue 19) – goes to Morag Cowe, with the correct answer of 34; Chipping Competition: Endeavour prize – Sue Ray; 1st, Fiona Phillips; 2nd, Liz Rankin.

The Main Event - Flag Competition, Endeavour prizes - 1st, Moira & Malcolm Duncan; 2nd, Shirley Morton & John Church; 3rd, Liz Rankin and Allan Warwick.