INVERCLYDE'S rich history and a local family's links with the White House were celebrated in a local group's first 'live' talk in the Watt Institution since before the pandemic.

The Inverclyde Heritage Network are back with new in-person events which will be held once a month, with a variety of guest speakers lined up to talk about their own history.

It marks a welcome return for the group after years of disruption caused by the coronavirus outbreak and its aftermath.

The first talk, 'My Ancestors from Woodhall to White House' with Joe McGeer, was held on Friday as part of a new series.

Chairwoman Eleanor Robertson says it is great to have everyone back together again at public events rather than being held remotely.

She said: "Before the pandemic there were talks running in here and they were very popular.

"We have been running talks online for a couple of years and have now decided to make them in- person.

"We have some fantastic guest speakers arranged and we are looking forward to hearing from all of them."

IHN secretary Cecile Fleming and fellow committee member Sue Bush have been helping to pull the programme together.

Cecile says that the new series will focus on history through the lens of the individual perspectives which can sometimes be overlooked.

Cecile told the Telegraph: "I think we have so much to celebrate in Inverclyde.

"History isn't just about big historical events and dates.

"It is about the people and we want to bring that alive."

For more information about the group and its upcoming talks at the watt Institution/McLean Museum see