A TRIO of terrific Greenock girl guides received a very cool honour from a well-known Inverclyde celebrity.

Lauren Hopkins, Cassie Wright and Leah McLellan from 27th Greenock Guides were presented with Girlguiding gold awards by ice skating star Angela Egan. 

The girls spoke to Angela about her skating career and her success on Dancing On Ice when she won the ITV competition back in 2021. 

To achieve the gold honour - the highest possible achievement as a guide - the dedicated girl guides worked through a series of challenges over four years. 

Some of the badges gained by the girls across the project have included upcycling, being a conscious consumer, mixology, vlogging, and photography. 

The girls are now ranger guides, and will continue their girlguiding journey by helping younger girls achieve their badges. 

The 27th Greenock Guides meet at Mount Kirk in Dempster Street.

Their leader Sandra McColl has been a guider in Greenock for more than 50 years. 

Lauren, Cassie and Leah are pictured with Sandra, Angela and Francis Murphy, minister of Mount Kirk.