A PORT Glasgow firm which has pioneered a 'closed-loop' recycling system has reached an milestone in its environmentally-friendly mission. 

Wiltshire Farm Foods in Kingston Industrial Estate has now recycled more than 15 million meal trays nationwide. 

Over the last two years, the meal delivery business has been collecting and recycling the trays from customers in a project described as 'the first of its kind on an industrial scale'. 

Greenock Telegraph:
The Port Glasgow workforce collects the used and washed trays from customers and sends them back to a specialist recycling facility in Durham, where they are transformed into new trays. 

Mark Shields, retail sales and operations manager at the Port Glasgow site, says he is very proud of the 'environmental efforts the company is making'.

He added: “Our customers thoroughly enjoy taking part in this process, with many of them comparing it to when the milkman used to collect their empty milk bottles.

"We know that they feel reassured in the knowledge that they are doing the right thing for the environment to support future generations."