ANGRY residents who live next to four notorious blocks of flats in Greenock have launched a campaign to get the 'eyesores' demolished. 

People living in Neil Street say they're 'sick fed up' of looking at the buildings, which have been lying empty since 2016 and have fallen into disrepair.

They say the flats are a hotbed for antisocial behaviour and have even spotted young people climbing up drainpipes to get onto verandas and into the flats themselves. 

The residents are now calling for clarity from River Clyde Homes about what's happening with the blocks and want to see an end to the demolition saga which has been ongoing for almost eight years. 

Greenock Telegraph:
They have set up a Facebook group to encourage people to share their views and have also started patrolling the area at night to ward off any antisocial behaviour. 

Suzanne Miller, who lives across the road from the flats, says nothing has moved forward in eight years and says it's now time for residents to make their voices heard. 

Suzanne told the Telegraph: "We have to find everything out for ourselves.

"We found out that the plans for the flats have been discussed at community council meetings so we've been going along to them but progress is slow. 

"We've been told for so many years that they're going to be demolished but nothing's happening.

"We know that we have councillors on board but we want to express our views as residents."

In February this year, the Scottish Government suspended demolition claiming that River Clyde Homes had failed to make the flats safe enough for action to be taken. 

In September, the chief executive of River Clyde Homes Richard Turnock promised to intervene and get things moving, but there has been no update since. 

Local resident John Currie says people are 'fed up' looking at the flats in the state they're in. 

He added: "It's a good street to stay in but the flats are bringing the area down. 

"As soon as we step out of our front door, we see them. 

"There are panes of glass missing from some of the windows and they're covered in graffiti. 

"People are just using it as a dumping ground now. 

"There are vapes dropped everywhere on the ground and someone even dumped a hoover."

Suzanne and John are among a group of residents who have started patrolling Neil Street at night. 

Suzanne said: "We see youngsters out and about, clearly up to no good. 

"People are avoiding walking down the street now, they don't know what or who they're going to see.

"Anything could happen in these flats if people get into them. They're really dangerous."

Independent councillor Tommy McVey has written to the Scottish Government to find out how they are going to take the saga forward. 

Councillor McVey said: "The residents have been very patient but things need to move on now. 

"What residents should be getting is a detailed outline of what's going to happen and when, so that they know how long things will take. 

"River Clyde Homes should be communicating with residents and telling them what's happening at each stage of the process.

"That's not too much to ask. 

"It's been going on for far too long and enough is enough now."

A River Clyde Homes spokesperson confirmed demolition was 'anticipated' but said they could not provide information on timescales. 

They said: "Subject to the appropriate governance approvals, we anticipate that we will be proceeding with the demolition of the vacant blocks at Neil Street. 

"The timescale of the demolition works will be confirmed in due course."