THE number of people in Inverclyde claiming benefits has fallen over the last year.

Latest figures from the DWP show that the claimant count in September was 1,715, down five per cent on the previous year.

This includes people who are in receipt of Jobseekers Allowance and universal credit and looking for work.

Jobcentre staff say they all doing all they can to get people of all ages into work.

Marjory Smith, employer and partnership manager for Inverclyde, said: "Tailored support from work coaches is vital so jobseekers are able to reach their full potential.

"By unlocking the skills and abilities of individuals, people can improve their employment prospects, which in turn helps achieve the government’s priority to grow the economy.

"Support is available to everyone whether they are leaving education, are 50-plus, have a health condition or progress in work.

"Job-seeking parents on universal credit can now get extra financial help through increased childcare payments.

“Locally we are working hard with employers to fill their vacancies, such as care and seasonal retail."