THE trial of a man accused of assaulting a shop worker and shouting abuse at police has been pushed back until next year.

Connor McKee, 27, is charged with assaulting an employee at Sainsbury’s on Gourock's Kempock Street by repeatedly pushing him on the body on May 11.

He is accused of acting in a threatening or abusive manner towards the staff member by swearing, refusing to leave and attempting to engage the man in a fight.

Prosecutors claim McKee also assaulted another person at the same location by ‘striking him on the body with his finger’.

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He faces further charges of shouting, swearing and uttering offensive remarks towards police officers near between Kempock Street and Gourock's national cycle route path, as well as restricting, hindering or obstructing them by repeatedly struggling, attempting to leave, pulling his arms away and kicking his legs.

McKee pleaded not guilty to the charges through defence solicitor Gerry Keenan.

A motion to adjourn the trial was made by procurator fiscal depute Ashley Pollock, who said the Crown was still awaiting dashcam and CCTV footage of the incident.

Sheriff Edward Gilroy allowed further time for the footage to be obtained.

McKee will return to Greenock Sheriff Court for trial on April 15 next year.