PEOPLE in Inverclyde have one last chance to have their say in person on controversial plans to reduce local GP out-of-hours services.

NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde are running their final face-to-face engagement session in Boglestone Community Centre in Port Glasgow next week.

They were asked by Health Improvement Scotland to have a public consultation on their plans to permanently change the service.

Under their new plans a GP out-of-hours centre would only be open in Inverclyde by appointment for limited hours on Saturdays and on public holidays.

Patients would have to travel to Paisley to see a doctor out-of-hours at other times.

The consultation session will be held on Tuesday November 14 from 5-7pm in Boglestone Community Centre, on Dubbs Road, Port Glasgow.

The public can also respond to an online survey on the shakeup.

It can be found at