PEOPLE across Inverclyde who have lost loved ones to suicide are to receive much-needed support from the team at a local charity. 

Man On Inverclyde is launching 'Support After Suicide' - a group for individuals and families who are dealing with the aftermath of a loved one taking their own life. 

Led by Man On's Sam Magee, the group will provide a safe space for people to get together and share their 'lived experience' of losing friends or family members in such a tragic way. 

Sam added: "Losing someone to suicide is a completely different kind of loss as it's preventable. 

"We know that people are still committing suicide across Inverclyde. 

"There are so many people out there struggling to come to terms with their new reality."

Man On piloted a bereavement group last year for people and families who had suffered any kind of loss. 

The group helped the team at the charity identify exactly where the need was in communities across the district. 

Sam said: "We found that the people who stayed throughout the whole pilot were those who had all lost someone through suicide.

"It was clear that the peer support they all got from each other was vital.

"We deal with suicide prevention and always do the best we can. 

"Prevention is massively needed within our community.

"It's so important for us to look at postvention too and support people after someone takes their own life."

Man On has received £7,000 to fund the group which will run from the end of this month into 2024. 

People can self-refer, or refer loved ones who are struggling. 

The volunteers and staff who will be working on the project all have experience of losing someone to suicide. 

Sam says the group will be facilitated by Man On but all the discussion will be down to the people who need support. 

He said: "We're providing the space but it's all about getting people together to open up and talk about their experiences. 

"We know that works well. 

"We just want to help people the best we can."

'Support After Suicide' sessions will begin at the Man On offices in Nelson Street on November 23, running from 6pm-8.30pm. 

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