AN INVERCLYDE employment expert is offering an opportunity for workers to get their contracts checked.

Jim McCourt, of Inverclyde Advice and Employment Rights Centre, is happy to clarify points that may cause confusion.

Mr McCourt said: "In recent times we have come across a number of workers who have believed that they were guaranteed a certain amount of hours and this turned out not to be the case.

"This can lead to difficulties when trying to enforce their rights at a later date. There can also be difficulties in other areas of contracts that may be difficult to comprehend.

"Inverclyde Advice and Employment Rights Centre is offering the chance for contracts to be checked and that some of these issues can be clarified for local workers.

"It's important that local workers make informed choices before they commit to a job.

"As always our services are free and totally confidential."

People can call 01475 888039 for an initial discussion.