A MAN has admitted to a Boxing Day break-in at a retirement housing complex in Greenock.

Mark Bell pleaded guilty to a theft by housebreaking charge at Greenock Sheriff Court.

The 39-year-old entered Jamaica Court in West Stewart Street, run by Bield Housing, on December 26 last year and stole a gift, a duvet set, CDs and photographs.

The HMP Low Moss inmate pleaded not guilty to a second indictment charge relating to a separate reported incident on the same date, in which he is said to have assaulted a man at the Inverclyde Centre to the alleged victim's 'injury and permanent disfigurement'.

Prosecutors claim Bell repeatedly struck the man on the head and body with a knife.

A trial has been scheduled for January 22 and sentence on the break-in offence has been deferred until then.