A CHILDREN'S writer has enlisted the help of pupils at a Gourock school to create a new character for her podcast. 

Jo Hall, who has previously worked on the likes of Balamory and Nina & the Neurons, visited Garvel Deaf Centre to work with senior pupils as part of a Creative Scotland project.

A former senior BBC education producer, Jo now independently produces the JoJo Gnome Story podcast – a free resource for parents packed with tales for little ones aged three to six.

The new character will be part of a new project, titled JoJo Gnome Eco Superhero, which is to be delivered in Scottish schools this spring.

Greenock Telegraph:

Sha, a new female gnome, will feature with her shy cat, Foxy, in a series of workshops to be delivered by Jo around the country.

As well as helping to create Sha, the pupils also learned video skills and produced a short film using British Sign Language.

Jo praised the Garvel youngsters for their artistic flair.

She said: “The pupils have created a really interesting character.

Greenock Telegraph:

“She wants to help save our planet and is eager that younger children learn more about recycling.

“She also wants others to get involved planting more trees and flowers.

“The character Sha also knows sign language.”

To watch the pupils' short film, go to youtube.com.