A LOCAL firm has won a contract worth more than £1 million over five years to help keep public transport moving in snowy weather.

Cardwell Nursery was one of four companies who submitted bids for a Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT) contract to keep bus stations and subway stations free of snow.

Councillor David Wilson, who is chair of SPT operations committee, welcomed its successful tender.

He said: "We invited 22 companies to bid and four bids were received and Cardwell won.

"They currently have the job and against competition it has been extended.

"It is good news for Inverclyde and is keeping people in employment."

Councillor Wilson said companies had to show that they had a high level of expertise in gritting, snow clearing, proper equipment and qualified and trained personnel and resources.

Cardwell will be responsible for clearance at bus stations, offices and subway stations.

Mr Wilson says the contract is worth £208,000 a year.