A REMARKABLE Greenock lady who has lived with just one kidney for the last 35 years has celebrated an incredible milestone. 

Flora Boyd received a card from the King on January 6 to mark her 100th birthday. 

Flora, who has been living at Bagatelle Care Home since 2018, was treated to a day of music and fun as she became a centenarian. 

Joined by her family and friends, Flora proudly wore her 'I've turned 100' t-shirt and enjoyed a beautiful birthday cake. 

Greenock Telegraph:
Flora's son Rodger says his mum's longevity is down to her fiery nature. 

Rodger, 72, said: "She's had her health problems in the past but she's always been a determined character and has got through it all. 

"It's brilliant that she's reached this age.

"It's such an amazing achievement."

Flora was born to Jim and Agnes Dempster in 1924. 

She lived with her parents and her four siblings - Jim, Margaret, Betty and Davina - in the old Ladyburn buildings in Inverkip Street for many years. 

Flora went to Ladyburn School and left at around 15 to go and work for Aulds in Lynedoch Street, where she was part of the team in the shop for 45 years until she retired at the age of 60. 

Flora married Willie Boyd at East Congregational Church in Greenock on August 8, 1947. 

Greenock Telegraph:
The couple lived in Hope Street in the town and then in Watt Street, and had two children, Rodger and his sister Agnes. 

Rodger says the couple loved to go to the old masonic club in Union Street for a wee dance. 
Willie, who was a postman, sadly passed away in 1989 at the age of 63. 

Flora developed problems with one of her kidneys in her sixties and had to have it removed when she was 65. 

Rodger says even after the operation, his mum remained very active. 

He added: "She was active right up until she was in her late eighties. 

"We used to go out on wee walks up The Cut. 

"When she reached 89 she got into her own wee routine and stayed closer to home but she would always get and about in the town."

Greenock Telegraph:
Flora, who has two grandchildren and five great-grandchildren, lived in her own home until 2018 when she moved into Bagatelle. 

Her son says it's been great to see his mum thrive in the home, and he's grateful to the staff.

He added: "Mum gets amazing care here, the staff are fantastic and are like an extended family.

"It's made a real difference to her.

"We're all so pleased to see her reach 100."