MSP Jamie Greene has called for an injection of funding in the A&E department at IRH.

His call to health secretary Michael Matheson in the Scottish Parliament comes as the casualty department copes with excess demand.Mr Greene pinpointed a reduction in out of hours GP services locally as a key contributor.

In his reply at Holyrood, minister Mr Matheson said: “We have to wait for the outcome of the consultation exercise [on GP out-of-hours services] in Inverclyde. However, I do not disagree with the point that Jamie Greene has made about the potential impact on A&E departments if there is no access to out-of-hours services.

“We would like there to be greater out-of-hours service coverage across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, including in Inverclyde."

Mr Greene says people in Inverclyde 'would have hoped for Mr Matheson to commit to funding our GP and A&E services properly'.

He added: "They will have been disappointed, but I expect not surprised, to hear the cabinet secretary for health offer up yet another consultation instead of concrete action.”