THREE men who were charged after police discovered a £3.6million cannabis cultivation in the town centre of Greenock have been locked up today after appearing in court.

Gledian Daci, 25, Antonjo Selami, 37, and Aurel Xhoka, 32, appeared on petition at a private hearing at Greenock Sheriff Court today.

All three are charged with committing an offence under the Misuse of Drug Act.

READ MORE: Police recover £3.6million in cannabis plants in Greenock

They made no plea and have been remanded in custody, with the case being committed for further examination.

Daci, Selami and Xhoka – all of no fixed abode - will appear in court again within the next eight days.

Greenock Telegraph: Police raided a premises on West Stewart Street on Sunday

Police recovered the cannabis haul in a raid at a premises on West Stewart Street on Sunday as part of an intelligence-led operation.

Detectives and a Police Scotland forensics team remained at the scene on Monday.

The find exceeds the value of several major drug recoveries in Inverclyde in recent years.