THE aroma of boiling haggis, neeps and tatties permeates the cold night air of January and early February as many of us celebrate the life of Scotland's Bard, Robert Burns.

Schoolchildren too find themselves sipping the nation's 'other' national drink as they toast the literary works of the famous poet.

Here are some pictures taken at local suppers and celebrations of the Scotland's Bard.

Pic1: This group of young Inverclyde Burnsians brought back a host of excellence awards from the prestigious National Burns Federation for Scottish Schoolchildren held in 2015.

Greenock Telegraph: Burns contest entrants 2015

Pic2: Taken in 2013, this picture features the top table and committee members attending the Jolly Beggars 121st anniversary Burns Supper in 2014. The year's main speaker was our now Provost Drew McKenzie who gave the Immortal Memory on the night.

Greenock Telegraph:

Pic3: This shot shows top table guests, office bearers and piper at the annual dinner of Greenock Burns Club. The Mother Club, which is the oldest Burns Club in the world, was founded in Greenock in 1801.

Greenock Telegraph:

Pic4: Children of St Michael's Primary School in Port Glasgow were the subject of this picture taken on the occasion of their special Burns concert held in 2014.

Greenock Telegraph:

Pic5: Youngsters from schools across Inverclyde joined Margaret Dickson, Bill McCready and Isobel Lind for this shot when they posed up for the camera with a brace of Burns awards.

Greenock Telegraph:

The photo was taken in 2014.