A GOUROCK dad has told how he has been left with no option but leave his damp-ridden home to protect his baby son's health because River Clyde Homes have failed to fix the gutters.

Greenock Telegraph: Nelson Road

Tenant Mark Thompson has been locked in a lengthy battle with his social housing landlord over the urgent need for repairs at the property in Nelson Road.

The association admit the work needs to be carried out, but insist they are unable to do it because other home owners have not agreed to share the costs.

This has left Mark, his partner and their little boy living in a home with walls covered in damp.

Greenock Telegraph: Nelson Road

Mark, his wife Estelle and one-year-old boy James have had to resort to sleep in one room, as every other one in the house is affected.

He recently renewed calls for help when when insects started appearing on the walls of their flat.

Greenock Telegraph: Nelson Road

Mark, who first raised the alarm over the problem FIVE YEARS ago, said: "I lived in Robert Street at Clune Park in Port Glasgow and the landlords were better than this.

"It is just absolutely ridiculous, the state that they have allowed this place to get into.

"Nelson Road is a nice area, we wanted to stay here, the house just needs the repairs done.

"But I have no other choice but to try to find a new house. I am on the common housing register for two years, because I don't want to live in another River Clyde Homes property.

"I would even go back to a private landlord.

"It is not worth the risk, look at what happened to the wee child down south who died because of mould in his house. I can't live here any more if they are not going to fix it."

Mark himself lives in pain with a chronic condition, cervical radiculopathy, caused by permanent nerve damage to his neck and body and he also has depression.

The dad says he has had a number of false dawns over the dampness issue, with promises that RCH's maintenance arm, Home Fix, would put up scaffolding and fix the problems.

Mark added: "It is so frustrating. I have no trust left in River Clyde Homes."

Bosses at RCH told the Tele that the problems are caused by the gutters, but say they cannot move ahead with the required repairs and have now said sorry to Mark.

A spokesman said: “We are aware of ongoing issues stemming from water ingress at the property in Nelson Road, which has been identified as a problem with the guttering.

"As the works require the consent of the majority of owners, we have not been able to make progress on repairs, but we are maintaining communication with the owners in the hope this can proceed.

"We apologise for the ongoing situation and Mr Thompson has been offered temporary accommodation until repair works can progress, but has refused three offers, and has not bid on any other properties. 

Mark says the ongoing stand-off and the housing association's position is not acceptable.

He told the Tele: "At the end of the day River Clyde Homes have a responsibility, we are their tenants. They need to repair the property."