A FORMER Greenock subpostmaster who was driven to the brink of suicide during the Horizon scandal has spoken about his ordeal on television.

Keith Macaldowie, 50, who was forced to resign from his position at the post office in Larkfield more than 10 years ago, featured on the BBC's Disclosure programme.

Keith told how he was wrongly accused of stealing money due to discrepancies which had actually been caused by a faulty IT system.

He said: "It is good these stories are getting out there, although going over my experience is certainly having an impact on my mental health.

"I had a meeting with a psychiatrist last week and a report will go to my lawyer who is meeting with the forensic accountants.

"But I have no idea what is going to happen.

"I am preparing myself for getting an offer and then possibly having to reject it, and how long that takes."