A BOOZED-up lout flouted a court curfew to launch into an expletive-laden half-hour-long rant at his neighbours - over a parking space.

James Lowles, 36 - who also aimed abuse at a pensioner during the incident - repeatedly banged on windows as he shouted and swore at people who were celebrating a child's birthday.

Lowles, of Siskin Close, was told by a sheriff that he could have been sent to prison for his 'ridiculous' behaviour.

Defence lawyer Amy Spencer acknowledged that her client had breached his bail order - granted with regard to an indictment case - 'quite spectacularly'.

Lowles appeared from custody at Greenock Sheriff Court to plead guilty to the threatening or abusive behaviour offence and to breaking a 7pm to 7am curfew. 

Prosecutor Pamela Brady told the court: "The complainers were startled by the sound of loud banging on the front door and window and when they looked outside they saw the accused.

"He was irate and shouting aggressively, making reference to a car.

"The complainers tried speaking with him but he continued shouting in this vein, in an extremely aggressive manner, for in excess of half-an-hour through the window."

During his foul-mouthed tirade Lowles shouted 'That's my space, that's my driveway', the court heard.

Police attended and officers thereafter discovered that Lowles was in breach of bail.

Sheriff James Varney remarked: "Well, that makes this one of the most stupid things that he has done."

Defence lawyer Miss Spencer said: "He has been involved in an ongoing confrontation with his neighbour.

"Fuelled with drink, he lost it and behaved appallingly.

"He has not covered himself in any glory whatsoever.

"He has been on curfew for over a year, this is the first time he has breached it, albeit quite spectacularly."

Lowles committed the offences last Monday, February 5.

Sheriff Varney told him: "You have got more to be concerned about at the moment than deciding to pick a fight with your neighbour and to start banging on windows.

"Behaviour like this is not going to do you any favours.

"The breach of bail is ridiculous, I could probably jail you just for that given it is a solemn matter."

Lowles, whose not guilty plea to a further allegation of using his car to block the road was accepted, has been ordered to complete 80 hours of unpaid work within six months.