TOP trekkers at schools across Inverclyde are going the extra mile as they take important steps for their physical and mental wellbeing. 

Primary school pupils have been given the challenge of walking the distance to Paris as part of the Place2Be charity's Children's Mental Health Week. 

The project has been organised by Active Schools Inverclyde in partnership with World Walking, an organisation which encourages people of all ages to find fun in fitness.

Each participating school has been trying to cover 1,705,478 steps, which is the number of steps it would take to actually walk from Inverclyde to France. 

Paris has been chosen as the destination as it will host the Olympics and Paralympics later this year. 

The youngsters are asked to cover the steps whichever way they can, out in the school grounds or the community. 

Greenock Telegraph:
The Telegraph popped along to All Saints Primary to see how pupils were getting on with the challenge and the boys and girls there were covering their steps out on the football pitch. 

Depute head teacher Victoria Bonnar said: "Getting out into the fresh air in all weathers is fantastic for mental health, and it's great for fitness levels too. 

"We're encouraging the pupils to talk to each other while they're walking which really helps improve mental health and helps them make new connections.

"Every class is involved and the pupils are all working really hard."

All of the steps covered each day are recorded and sent to the Active Schools team so that youngsters can see who is getting closer to France. 

All Saints pupil Gia Brewster, 10, said: "I've enjoyed all of the walking. It's good fun. 

"We've been outside getting fresh air and making friends."

Busola Akinsola, 10, added: "It's been fun getting outside and talking to each other."

Mrs Bonnar says the youngsters are looking forward to seeing all of the totals next week. 

She added: "We've all been working together to cover as many steps as we can, and finding fun ways to make sure we reach France."