THE West College Scotland campuses in Greenock could be hit by new strike disruption.

More than 2,000 support staff, including librarians, IT specialists, administrators, cleaners, canteen workers and estate management staff, at 21 colleges in Scotland, including WCS, are to walk out later this month.

The dispute is over pay and jobs.

Staff say they are still waiting for a payrise that was due in September 2022 and want colleges to guarantee these awards won't be at the expense of jobs.

The college workers are due to walk out on Thursday February 29, as part of the dispute that has been running for 18 months.

Last December, they voted overwhelmingly in favour of strike action to continue their campaign for fair pay and to protect jobs.

The union says college leaders must make an improved pay offer and guarantee there will no compulsory redundancies if they want to avoid further disruption.

Unison Scotland’s further education branch secretary Chris Greenshields said: “College support staff deserve a fair pay rise without the threat of compulsory redundancies.

“Nobody wants to be on strike, but staff have been left with little choice. The union submitted a revised proposal to try and move things along back in December and it took college bosses two months to reject it.”