A COUNCILLOR has expressed his disappointment that efforts to tackle persistent flooding on a Larkfield road are yet to yield results.

The Telegraph told how last year how frequent flash flooding had been plaguing residents on Greenock's Westmorland Road, leaving parts of the pavement inaccessible to residents.

Ward councillor Tommy McVey has been pressing officials to fix the issue. which has affected the road for years.

He said: "I am disappointed that previous attempts to alleviate the ongoing flooding at Westmorland Road have not been successful. 

"Subsequently, I have had further discussions with council officers on this issue and they have confirmed they will continue to liaise with Scottish Water to identify a solution to the flooding problem.

"Officers and Scottish Water are currently considering viable options to address the ongoing issue.

"As discussions progress, I will continue to keep residents up to date and advise on possible solutions and progress."