A PIONEERING new partnership aimed at supporting victims of sexual abuse has been launched in Greenock.

Rape Crisis Glasgow and Clyde linked up with Police Scotland for an open day at Branchton Community Centre to highlight the help available to local people.

Greenock Telegraph:

A whole host of organisations attended the event, including Inverclyde Women's Aid, Your Voice, SAMH, Community Link, Barnardo's, Moving On Inverclyde, Wise Mentoring and the Inverclyde Housing Options and Homelessness Advice Service.

Amy Mills, access and development worker with Rape Crisis Glasgow and Clyde, said it was a chance for organisations and members of the public to find out about help available in the community.

She said: "There are support agencies here who can help with substance misuse, trauma, sexual abuse, domestic violence, housing issues and mental health issues."

Greenock Telegraph:

Experts say that sexual abuse and trauma can lead to a downward spiral in people's lives which can result in homelessness and mental health issues.

The new partnership is designed to ensure that people know help is at hand to support them during a crisis in their lives.

Workers hope that raising awareness can give people the confidence to take the first step to reach out.

Veronica Rasmussen, of the council's Housing Options and Homelessness Advice Centre, said: "We can provide advice and assistance to people throughout the process and also try to prevent homelessness.

"Relationship breakdown and domestic abuse are the big hitters in causing homelessness."

Lesley Black, of Barnardo's nurture services, who also attended the launch, said the day was important to highlight the fact that help is on offer.

She said: "Some families know about us through schools and nurseries, and work with us already.

"But I think it is very helpful for other agencies to know what we do, and if they come across someone who needs help they can refer them to us."

Detective Constables Nicola McGee and Zain Kayani from the Public Protection Unit represented Police Scotland at the event.

DC McGee said: "The aim is to network with partner agencies, so we can work together to provide a better service to the public and encourage people to come forward to report crimes to police.

"We would encourage people to report any sexual offence, be it recent or non-recent. We hope that being here today will help people in the community to gain access to support and to find out about services they might not even know existed."

*Rape Crisis is holding a drop-in at Your Voice in Clyde Square, Greenock on the last Tuesday of every month between 2 and 4pm.