WASTE warriors collected more than 60 bags of rubbish from the streets of Inverclyde over the weekend.

Litter pickers across Greenock and Port Glasgow took time out to clear up detritus and help make their communities cleaner and safer. 

The Kingston Dockers removed eight bags of plastic waste from Mirren's Shore in Port Glasgow. 

Meanwhile a group of seven Lyle Hillbillies took 15 bags of rubbish away from Lyle Hill, where they discovered a lot of fly-tipping. 

Young people who are completing their Inverclyde Duke of Edinburgh Award filled 40 bags full of waste found in the area behind the factories at Devol. 

They also discovered two bikes, a vacuum cleaner, and two tins of paint.

The team at Literati Guide to Inverclyde thanked the kind member of the public who provided the young people with Irn-Bru and KitKats to give them energy for the task.