COMPASSIONATE Tele readers have magnificently rallied to the cause in our Bags of Goodwill campaign - and donated nearly HALF-A-TON of supplies to Inverclyde Foodbank.

Bags we placed in every Saturday paper just a fortnight ago have been returned crammed with groceries and other essentials to help families who have found themselves in hardship throughout the district.

Kind-hearted people the length and breadth of Inverclyde dropped off hundreds of items at our office, as well as the foodbank itself and at the premises of campaign sponsors.

Greenock Telegraph:
Adam Wines of Inverclyde Foodbank said he was 'overwhelmed' by the success of the campaign, and said the donations would help a great number of local people. 

Adam told the Tele: "We really appreciate these donations and want to thank everyone for taking the time to do this for us. 

"The appeal has collected an amazing amount of supplies and helped raise awareness. 

"We're approaching quite a difficult time for people with the school holidays coming up. 

"These donations will really help us boost what's on the shelves. 

"We want to let people know that we're here if they need us and they shouldn't be embarrassed about asking for help."

Last year alone, more than 1,500 youngsters were supported by the team at Inverclyde Foodbank. 

A total of six local businesses - Green Oak Funeral Services, Clyde Metals Recycling Ltd, Inverclyde Taxis, Whiteside Memorials, Hagan Pharmacy, and James Frew Ltd - kindly sponsored the Telegraph campaign. 

Tele editor David Goodwin said: "When we launched our Bags of Goodwill drive I knew that our brilliant, kind-hearted readers would rally to the cause - and so it proved.

"The hundreds of contributions to the campaign - weighing in at almost half-a-ton - is a truly amazing response.

"I once again thank our sponsors for their support, and of course the great people of Inverclyde for their much needed and most welcome donations."

All of the sponsor representatives said they were pleased to see such an amazing volume of donations. 

Alex Roy from property services firm James Frew said: "We're always happy to help people who are struggling and need a bit of support. 

"It's a fantastic amount that's been collected. 

"We're pleased to have helped the Telegraph run such a successful campaign."

Greenock Telegraph:
John Hagan from Hagan Pharmacy added: "We are in the community and we see some of the same customers as the foodbank does. 

"It's important for us to put a bit back into the community to show our support. 

"We're really pleased to be involved, especially the way things are at the moment with the cost of living crisis."

Alexander Easdale from Clyde Metals Recycling Ltd said: "We've been part of the community for 75 years. 

"We're a family-run company and we're always delighted to help the community and families who need a bit of support.

"It was great to join forces with the Telegraph and help people as much as we can."

David Coombs of Inverclyde Taxis added: "We're very pleased to be involved. 

"The community spirit in Greenock is fantastic and people are good at helping each other. 

"It's important for companies to do their bit to give people support and help them get back on their feet again."

Davie Whiteside, owner of Whiteside Memorials, said: "We're based right in the centre of Greenock where there's a lot of deprivation. 

"I have two kids of my own and I hate to think about parents who aren't able to feed their kids or feed themselves. 

"There's still a stigma attached to asking for help from a foodbank but people really shouldn't be embarrassed. 

"I was really glad to get involved in the campaign."

Stephanie Quinn of Green Oak Funeral Services said: "As a local, family-owned business, we were very happy to join forces with the Telegraph to support the campaign. 

"Supporting local people and local good causes is very important to us. 

"It was great to see such a good response and see so many items donated."