AN intoxicated Port Glasgow man who lost his temper and attacked his partner has successfully turned his life around since the violent incident two years ago, Greenock Sheriff Court has heard.

Allan Jackson admitted to assaulting the woman at a home in Greenock in May 2022 after a drunken and aggressive outburst.

The 40-year-old checked himself into rehab in the months following the offence and still volunteers with a local programme, a hearing was told.

A criminal justice social work report prepared for Jackson's sentencing hearing said he has been 'improving leaps and bounds' since carrying out the assault - and a sheriff spared him a prison sentence for the crime.

A procurator fiscal depute said: "Around 1.30pm on May 5, 2022 the witness returned to her home address.

"At this point she observed another witness, a friend of hers, asleep in the living room and the accused in the kitchen area.

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"The complainer was of the opinion that the accused was under the influence and challenged him on this which resulted in him losing his temper.

"He began to shout and act in an aggressive manner towards her.

"Due to this behaviour she tried to push him away from her but he struck her to her face."

The victim's friend phoned police to report Jackson, who was arrested and charged by officers around an hour later.

The complainer suffered bruising to the right side of her face after the attack, the court was told.

Ellen Macdonald, representing Jackson, said: "Two months after the incident the accused took himself into rehab for a year.

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"He continues to volunteer once a week.

"[The report said he has been] improving leaps and bounds. He has done exceptionally well."

Jackson, who had a not guilty plea accepted by prosecutors to a second charge of struggling violently with a constable, was sentenced to a community payback order.

Sheriff Anthony McGeehan told him: "This is a radically different picture today from the date of this offence.

"The court takes a very serious view of any offence that is aggravated by domestic abuse.

"The detailed report sets out the circumstances at the time of the offence but also the way your circumstances have radically changed in a positive way, and the positive steps you are continuing to take to meet a new set of responsibilities."

Jackson, of Dougliehill Terrace, will be supervised for 12 months and must pay a £210 fine. No non-harassment order was imposed.