PORT Glasgow TV presenter Jean Johansson has pledged her support for an annual fundraising drive aimed at tackling child poverty in Scotland.

The Inverclyde telly star helped launch this year's STV Children's Appeal's Big Scottish Breakfast event, which collects vital cash to provide free morning meals to children and young people across the country.

Jean joined small screen friends Sean Batty and Anton Danyluk to promote the campaign - and she urged people to host their own fun-filled breakfast event and raise funds to help children and families at risk of hunger.

Greenock Telegraph:

Jean said: “This is such an important cause for me to get behind as I strongly believe no child in Scotland should be affected by poverty.

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and whether it’s a get-together with your family, best pals, or workmates, we can all share a meal and raise funds for this important campaign.”

The Big Scottish Breakfast, in partnership with Kellogg’s, takes place across Scotland between September 9 and 13.