An Eastbourne lawn bowls club is encouraging local people to start a life-changing journey with the sport at Bowls’ Big Weekend.

Gildredge Park is one of hundreds of clubs up and down the country throwing open their doors from 24-27 May, part of a nationwide push to get more people on the green.

Marilyn Doust has been club secretary for six years and a coach for five years at the thriving club that boasts 103 years of distinguished history. 

“Bowls is a really inclusive game,” says Marilyn. “You can start from a young age and develop a lifelong love of the sport and everything it has to offer. We have a member who is still upright and bowling every week at 92!”

Gildredge has a membership base of 200 with 150 full playing members in their ranks - but are always looking to grow.

Doust and company are hoping to make the most of the opportunity presented by Bowls’ Big Weekend, partnered with Aviva, that is back and better than ever before for a fourth year. 

The club are planning a wide range of activities including special lanes for children to try the game, staff development sessions, a bar, BBQ and other games: all with the aim of giving people a platform to try bowls and make the most of the inevitable Bank Holiday sunshine.

“I think first impressions are so important,” says Marilyn. “We work hard to make sure people are welcomed when they cross our threshold for the first time.

“If you join us, you won’t just be left alone to fend for yourself. Someone will talk to you, explain what’s happening and show how you can get involved in the activities.

“This isn’t unique to us as a club but we work incredibly hard to foster that culture.”

Gildredge have countless examples of members whose lives have been changed by taking part in bowls, combatting difficult life circumstances including loneliness and bereavement.

“Bowls’ Big Weekend can open people’s eyes to the possibilities,” she says. “People think they might not be very good but once they’ve done it, they become hooked.

“People come to Bowls Big Weekend and know straight away that this is where they want to be. It’s an addictive game and one that people really want to master to their own level once they start. You don’t have to be a county-level player, it is for everyone.”

To find your nearest participating club and sign up for a free session go to