A MARRIED couple who have given a lifetime of service to a Greenock bowling club have been honoured for their efforts.

Kenny and Cathy Morrison joined Ardgowan Bowling Club in 1981 and they have spent decades supporting the Greenock group’s activities.

This has included helping to organise club holidays to Spain, serving on the committee and supporting a host of club events.

Cathy, who has continued to play an important role in running coffee mornings, arranging raffles and running Ardgowan’s Monday craft club during the winter months, was recently awarded an honorary membership to commemorate her dedication.

(Image: George Munro)

She told the Tele that receiving the accolade had been an emotional moment.

She said: “I was absolutely thrilled when I got the membership, it was such a highlight.

“I’ve worked in the club for many years and had so many wonderful times, so it was really emotional to get that.”

Kenny has been president of the club three times since the couple joined over four decades ago and has himself been made an honorary member.

The couple, who have three children and six grandchildren, are also set to celebrate their diamond wedding anniversary this year.

Despite not bowling herself, Cathy says the community and camaraderie at Ardgowan has kept her coming back.

She added: “The club was always just our life, the church and the bowling club.

“The community is what keeps you coming back.

“I’ve never been a bowler, I’m still not to this day.

“I’ll play the odd fun game, but I was there to support Kenny and ended up doing teas and raffles and everything else.

“I’ve been involved in setting up lots of things over the years, for example the men used to have an annual dinner in the Tontine, and I thought the ladies could be doing something too,

“We started having a meal in the club and in the first years the men would make the meal for us and then we would go to the Arts Guild for a show.

“I’ve always been around and helping with things, we’re still doing our bar duties and organising anything to make money.

“The club is great for community and company, it’s a great place to get together. “

The club’s honorary secretary Gilbert McCracken hailed the pair’s incredible commitment to Ardgowan.

He said: “We were pleased to present Cathy with her honorary membership.

“She and Kenny have been club stalwarts for over four decades and are always willing to roll up their sleeves and help out.

“Over the years they have been approachable when other members are looking for advice and reliable when the club needs their assistance.

“We are delighted to count them both among our honorary members.”