A KNIFE offender caught with a blade whilst intoxicated at a Greenock railway station has been spared jail time after the sheriff court heard he is 'motivated' to live a drug-free life.

Adam Piggot, 23 - who has a number of previous convictions - was arrested shortly after being spotted with the knife at Greenock West.

Piggot has been placed on an electronic tagging order as a direct alternative to custody after pleading guilty to the September 2022 offence.

A year earlier he had been charged with having a knife within a Greenock pub and shouting threats of violence.

Sheriff Anthony McGeehan told Piggott: “I saw the knife you had in your possession [at the station] and the offence can only be described as a serious one.

“You had the knife in question in a public place at West train station on a Sunday morning at 11am while under the influence, presumably with the intention of getting on a train with that knife.

“You also have a record that does you no favours.

“In my view, it would be in my power to send you to custody today.”

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Piggott’s solicitor, Gerry Keenan told the court that his client is ‘still relatively young’ and has ‘taken steps to try and improve his situation’ since the commission of the crime almost two years ago.

Mr Keenan said: “He went into rehab in England in 2023 and has managed to remain drug-free apart from two lapses.

“The offence was underpinned by his abuse of controlled drugs and alcohol.

“His motivation is to lead a drug-free and law-abiding life.

“Crimes of this nature are always serious but given that he is under the age of 25 and the progress he has made since entering into rehab I would urge your lordship to refrain from sending him into custody.

“He is now living a more pro-social life and presents less of a risk of future criminal activity.”

Sheriff McGeehan said he was prepared to impose a community-based disposal as a direct alternative to a custodial sentence.

Piggott, of Dunlop Street, will be supervised for 12 months and must complete 135 hours of unpaid work.

He has also been placed on a 7pm-7am curfew for the next 21 weeks.