A BIG-hearted young sportsman fought off tough competition to win the coveted sporting honour at the Greenock Telegraph Community Champion Awards.

Brilliant young boxer and disabled rights campaigner Rhys McCole took the Sporting Champion of the Year title. 

Rhys has overcome his own disabilities to excel in the sport, and recently won a national peacekeeping award from Rotary UK. 

He works with young people all over Inverclyde, providing coaching sessions and helping them to reach their goals. 

Rhys, 23, said receiving the Telegraph award was a 'huge honour'. 

He added: "The kids I work with are my inspiration and this award is for them. 

"I really enjoy being a positive role model for young people. 

"I get to work with young heroes and go on an amazing journey with them. 

"Seeing the smiles on their faces at the end of a session is the best part of it for me. 

"For some of the young people, it's the only time they get the chance to express themselves and feel fulfilled."

PC Fraser MacDonald, who was a member of the judging panel and presented Rhys with his award, added: "Working in community policing, deal with a lot of young people at a critical point in their life. 

"Having someone like Rhys who can help is a massive help for us."