A COURAGEOUS Inverclyde teenager who helps young people live with bereavement was honoured with a top award. 

Ben Kane received the Youth Community Champion of the Year category (sponsored by Clyde Eats). 

Following the death of his brother, Ben set up the first pupil-led bereavement support group in Scotland when he was a pupil at Clydeview Academy. 

Over the last five years, he has spoken about his experiences at Holyrood and on BBC Scotland's The Nine show, and works closely with young people who have suffered a bereavement. 

Ben, 18, said receiving the Telegraph honour was a 'tremendous privilege'. 

He added: "It's testament to the young people who have spoken out and shown bravery. 

"The best part of what I do is getting to engage with young people. 

"I see a lot of myself in them, and it's great to see them getting back on their feet again. 

"Bereavement is such a massive thing to go through in life."

Janine Brennan of category sponsor Clyde Eats said: "It's a privilege to sponsor this category. 

"The awards embody everything we are about as a company, and we wouldn't be where we are without the backing of the community.

"We give back to the community in everything we do."