ONE of Greenock’s oldest bowling club's has fallen victim to repeated flooding - with members now appealing for help to save their beloved home.

Rankin Park’s clubhouse has had water cascading in during heavy rain for more than a year.

Now the club, which celebrated its centenary two years ago, hopes Inverclyde Council, which own the grounds, can help keep the club open.

The local authority told the Tele they have sent in experts to find the source of the problem, and hope to take action.

Greenock Telegraph: Rankin Park Bowling Club Rankin Park Bowling Club (Image: George Munro)Greenock Telegraph: Greenock Telegraph:

Club secretary and champion bowler Jackie McElwee said: “It isn’t safe to have it like this and it's only going to get worse.

“We have had water coming in during functions and it is a nightmare. We don’t know how to stop it and it causes so much damage.

“It also means we have to use funds to keep replacing things that are damaged.”

The council carried out work last year to repair collapsed drains underground.

Jackie said: “We really need the council to find a way to fix it. We are now hoping they can find out where the problem is coming from and stop it from happing.

“We just hope something can be done before it gets any worse. You can just be sitting there and next thing there is water everywhere. 

“We repeatedly report it to the council, they have come out but we don’t know when it will be fixed.

“We have been told to claim our insurance, but that doesn’t fix the problem and only costs us more money in the long run.

“Funding is tight and allocations cut in recent years, so it is so difficult. But we have a great bowling club and we continue to compete.”

Greenock Telegraph:

Councillor Tommy McVey has also spoken up for the club.

He said: “I am very hopeful that this can be resolved. The council did send people out for a survey. They said they know where the problems are.

"There have been issues with flooding in the Rankin Park during periods of very heavy rain.

“Last year the council carried out to works on the land running up towards the railway line to try and fix the problem.

“The council informed me they have appointed a contractor to survey the drain at the rear of the club, which leads to the main road, with a view to carrying out further works based on the results of the survey."

Rankin Park Bowling Club was recently awarded £2,250 from the Community Grants Fund.

It celebrated 100 years in 2022 with Inverclyde Council hosting a civic reception in the club's honour.

An Inverclyde Council spokesperson said: “Work was carried out last year to fix a collapsed section of underground drain and further investigations have taken place since, including by an external consultant engineer, to examine other sections.

“A further survey is scheduled for next week to try and get to the root of the problem.

“We have been working closely with the club and kept them advised of what actions have been taken.”