A GROUP of four fantastic youngsters were honoured for their fundraising and bravery on the night. 

Abbie Marshall, Alyssa McLellen, Harriet McConway, and Naomi Rankin were all crowned Little Champion of the Year.

Abbie, 11, from Gourock miraculously survived after being left stricken with deadly meningitis as a baby is now thriving and raising money for charity.

Proud mum Gillian said: "Abbie just loves helping other kids. 

"She completed 8,000 steps a day in January and raised £2,500, and has raised about £10,000 altogether.

"She's just a wee miracle."

Greenock Telegraph:
Alyssa McLellan, nine, sat in a paddling pool full of beans to raise money for Young Lives vs Cancer.

Parents Amanda and Billy say they're 'so proud' of Alyssa and all that she does for charity. 

Amanda said: "She's addicted to beans.

"We started off joking about it and it just grew arms and legs and became a real thing.

"The money she raised translated into families being able to stay overnight as children were  going through cancer treatment."

Greenock Telegraph:
Harriet McConway, seven, bravely handled a potentially life threatening situation when her mum became unwell and unresponsive due to a diabetic episode.

She said: "I am really grateful for the award. 

"It was nice being on the stage and I want to thank everyone."

Harriet's parents John and Polaith say their girl is a 'wee star' and said they don't know what they would have done without her. 

Greenock Telegraph:
Little Naomi Rankin, six, has raised thousands of pounds for vulnerable people. 

Her parents Neil and Emma say they've very proud of her fundraising efforts. 

Emma said: "She tells us she wants to help people who don't have houses and don't have food. 

Neil added: "She's a very compassionate and caring wee girl and has a good wee mindset which will stand her in good stead for the rest of her life."

Greenock Telegraph:
William Peacock from category sponsor Platinum Paving said he was wowed by the young people and their amazing stories. 

He added: "The judges had such a difficult time judging this category so decided to give the award to all four youngsters, which is fantastic. 

"We're really delighted to continue our sponsorship of the Little Champion of the Year category."